Welcome To Broad Street

We seek to be a community where together we explore what it means to seek God in this time and place. We are a multi-generational Christian community that seeks to provide a safe place for spiritual rejuvenation and service to the world.

Like most church congregations, we worship, study, pray and care for one another. Our passion is working together to try to make the world a better place. By doing tangible, concrete things that improve people’s lives, we honor God and live out what Jesus means when he says, “Love God and love your neighbor.”

If that resonates with you, we hope you’ll check us out online or in person!

Strong Foundation

Broad Street Church has been a church home to thousands of families since 1887. With a heart for helping the community of Columbus, Ohio, and reaching the next generation, we look forward to continuing to change lives in the Columbus area for years to come. BSPC invites you and your family to come experience worship. Join us at one of our weekly services or call us for more information.

Committed To Social Justice

Broad Street has been involved in advocacy for justice for as long as most of us can remember. We have sought to provide education and clear avenues for our members and friends to have their voices heard on a variety of issues: homelessness, gun violence, immigration, affordable health care, fair trade, energy policy, racial equality, and public education. Consistent with who we are, we seek to listen and learn before we act, and in all of our work, to show respect for the views of others.

Committed To Social Justice

Broad Street has been involved in advocacy for justice for as long as most of us can remember. We have sought to provide education and clear avenues for our members and friends to have their voices heard on a variety of issues: homelessness, gun violence, immigration, affordable health care, fair trade, energy policy, racial equality, and public education. Consistent with who we are, we seek to listen and learn before we act, and in all of our work, to show respect for the views of others.

Family Focus

Broad Street Church is committed to being a church for the whole family. We have fun and meaningful activities for children and their families. We include children in all areas of church life from worship to service projects. Broad Street Presbyterian Church is a place where you and your family can connect and grow.


We believe in and worship the God of power and mystery and love who actively seeks to have a relationship with every one of us. We believe that God’s love – reflected and revealed in the life, death and resurrection of Jesus – is the most powerful force in the world. We believe that there is nothing we have done that can separate us from God’s love. We believe God offers new beginnings and second chances. We believe God takes initiative in our lives, challenging and comforting us in unexpected ways.


BSPC’s values are rooted in Jesus’ command to love God and love neighbor.

Broad Street Presbyterian Church’s Session affirmed the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.)’s church-wide anti-racism policy that “racism is the opposite of what God intends for humanity…[racism] is a lie about our fellow human beings, for it says that some are less than others.” Anti-racist effort is not optional for Christians. It is an essential aspect of Christian discipleship, without which we fail to proclaim the Good News of Jesus Christ. 

BSPC seeks to honor and affirm persons of every gender identity and sexual orientation. As it pertains to all levels of leadership in the church, it has been the policy of BSPC since 2000 to honor and affirm the spiritual gifts of everyone in our faith community, particularly people who have been historically marginalized and may easily be overlooked by the church. Broad Street is a church that has worked hard to create a community where the gifts of all people are welcomed and utilized.

The Session reaffirmed our Statement of Inclusion on April 25, 2022. The statement was originally approved by the Session in February 2000.

Statement of Inclusion: 

In celebration of the God-given diversity of creation, and the unconditional welcome extended to friend and stranger alike by our Lord Jesus Christ, the Broad Street Presbyterian Church welcomes into its fellowship all who desire to be a part of this community of faith. Each of us comes to God in the same way, unconditionally loved and accepted. Such is the nature of God’s grace. Therefore, all are invited to the celebrations, and ministries of Broad Street Presbyterian Church. These include participation in all services of worship and the availability of pastoral care, as well as opportunities for fellowship, education and service. As a church, we are committed to living together in such a way that we give witness to Christ’s sacrificial life, saving death and glorious resurrection, by extending to all people the kind of hospitality exemplified in Jesus Christ our Lord.

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