If you’re like me, you want everyone to know about Broad Street Presbyterian Church! But inviting someone to church can be intimidating, and isn’t something everyone is comfortable doing. Here are 5 different ways to be invitational:


1. Leave positive reviews on Google and Facebook

What do you do before you visit a new restaurant or hotel? You look at that establishment’s online reviews, of course! People who are “church-shopping” do the same thing. When Google and Facebook see that a business or organization has positive reviews, their algorithms boost our church toward the top of the search engine when someone is searching “church near me” on Google or Facebook.

So by giving us a positive review on Google and Facebook, you can help others find Broad Street Presbyterian Church, the Broad Street Food Pantry, and COMPASS rental assistance. 

Click here to leave a review on Google.

Click here to leave a review on Facebook.


2. Share and engage with our social media posts

The next thing “church-shoppers” look for after looking at our website and online reviews? Our social media channels! 

When you share, like, and comment on our posts, your friends and followers are more likely to see our posts even though they may not follow us yet. Every share, like, and comment on our posts goes a long way in sharing the Broad Street story with others! 

If you haven’t already, make sure you connect with us on Facebook, Instagram, and YouTube.


3. Invite someone to a worship service

This is an especially good idea if you are inviting someone that is already familiar with the experience of going to church! However, for someone that is not used to church life and church culture, this could be a more intimidating first experience, so maybe consider some of the other suggestions on this list. 


4. Invite someone to a church event other than a worship service

If you are wanting to invite someone that is unfamiliar with church life and church culture, this is a great way to help get their foot in the door and see what BSPC is all about!

Make sure you are subscribed to Broad Street Emails or that you check the News & Announcements page on the Central Hub regularly so you don’t miss out on upcoming events. 


5. Share a sermon podcast with a friend

Have you ever thought a friend or family member may enjoy a particular sermon?

All of BSPC’s sermons are available on Spotify, Apple Podcasts, Anchor, Google Podcasts, and the Central Hub at bspc.church/sermons.



-Written by Kyle Fox, BSPC Marketing and Communications Manager

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  1. Bill McDonough October 12, 2022 at 5:04 pm - Reply

    This is a great reminder that our church is a church that we should all wish more people knew about because it really is a special place. And the secret to a growing church is that members of that church are enthused enough to invite their friends to anything—Sunday morning, a sermon online, an event, a class, a mission trip…

    The simple truth is that if you invite someone to your church, odds are that they will accept your invitation and be grateful for it.

  2. Alison Barret October 12, 2022 at 5:21 pm - Reply

    I appreciate the variety of suggestions here – from how to excite a stranger through an online review to reinvigorating a lapsed member through social media comments to inviting a friend to an event or service for a little taste of what BSPC is about. Thank you for these reminders.

  3. BSPC October 19, 2022 at 4:42 pm - Reply

    I forgot one of the best options- stickers! We have stickers with our logo on them available in the narthex. Grab a few! They’re great for your car, water bottle, or anything else you can put a sticker on. -Kyle

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