Sitting on the porch. Wearing coats and hats and gloves. Huddled around space heaters. Tables six feet apart. A menu of scallops and tomato risotto and blackened brussels sprouts.


That was Thanksgiving 2020 for me and my immediate family.


This year I am looking forward to attending what is being called a Vax-giving, an indoor gathering of family and friends who are all fully vaccinated and have taken rapid tests to confirm the absence of any breakthrough infections. Ten family and friends gathered around the table eating delicious traditional Thanksgiving food. Inside. Together.


This year is infinitely better than last year.


Amidst what continues to be such a very challenging fall, it can be hard to miss. The ways in which things are better. Significantly better.


This Thanksgiving, I give thanks for

  • Vaccines now available to children five and over
  • Opportunities to gather with other people
  • The Broad Street Choir
  • New recipes mastered during the pandemic
  • My home
  • My family
  • My friends – every one of them
  • Daily walks


This is my partial list. In the midst of all that is challenging and hard, I invite you to give thanks.


For you, how is this Thanksgiving different than last year’s? What are you grateful for this day?


-Written by Rev. Amy Miracle



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  1. Betty Lou Stull November 17, 2021 at 12:20 pm - Reply

    Heading to Hershey for Thanksgiving as I did last year. Last year we kept the windows open since we weren’t vaccinated yet. I’m thankful that no one in our large extended family currently has the virus and that vaccines for all ages are widely available. Happy Thanksgiving to all. We have so much to be thankful for!

  2. Judith Siehl November 17, 2021 at 3:51 pm - Reply

    Thank you for this message. Last year our family of 10 shared desserts in the carport at our son’s home. There were heavy duty clear plastic walls on three sides and a space heater and we were of course bundled up and sitting in family groups. Grateful for the in-person time, but oh so difficult not to give hugs and not being able to cuddle the 2 y.o.! This year we’ll be together, inside, with all but the youngest being vaccinated, and while we also maintain our family bubble as much as possible. This year we’ll also celebrate Christmas indoors and are reminded again that we have much to be thankful for. We pray for the refugees near and far.

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