This past Sunday, Broad Streeters Kevin and Sara McCain spoke in in-person worship about why they give to Broad Street and how the church gives them hope for the future…
Kevin: Today we’re here to talk about the Annual Campaign for Broad Street.
They won’t know you did it.
Now, look to your left, to your right, in front of you and behind you.
No one is going to know how much or if you give.
You don’t tell people or broadcast it.
They won’t name a wing of the church after you.
Your name won’t be placed on the can of soup they hand out.
So, why?
Why give?
Well, you’re part of something bigger than yourselves.
You’re part of Broad Street Presbyterian Church, so chances are you care about making the world better.
And, giving is an easy way to do that.
In this neighborhood, it’s the box of food from the pantry.
On the world stage, it’s helping send our youth to Peru.
You give and make the world a little bit better.
No one will know you did it, But it makes a difference to those who receive it.
Sara: For all the reasons Kevin just shared, Broad Street truly is bigger than any one of us.
We have all felt uncertainty in our lives.
Especially in the last two years, the world is filled with unknowns.
But, ultimately, that’s where Broad Street comes in.
This is a community that embraces imperfections, fights for social justice, and offers hope.
We chose to start our family here at Broad Street. And, after waiting over 30 years, last September I chose to get baptized here with our now almost 2-year-old daughter.
We give because we believe in the foundation Broad Street is shaping. For us, for our neighbors, for this entire community. Most of all for the children we hope to raise as strong, resilient, and confidently questioning Presbyterians.
Broad Street is their future, and that is something we will invest in every day.
For more information about our Annual Campaign ’22: A Future With Hope and how to pledge, please visit this page on the Broad Street Central Hub.
Love that this young family has joined us and that they see the mission of our church. Yearly pledging works toward that mission.