It is a joy to introduce Leslie Joseph to the BSPC community! Starting this spring, Leslie will provide volunteer leadership for BSPC’s Garden. Food grown in the church’s garden feeds those who shop at the Broad Street Food Pantry, as well as neighbors who stop by.
Leslie invites us to join her in planting and growing foods people enjoy, like tomatoes, lettuce, greens and peppers. She plans monthly service days open to the community on 3rd Saturdays, usually 10am-noon, however for April 19, in honor of Earth Day, gardening will be 2-5pm.
Leslie also will garden on Sunday mornings occasionally. She invites BSPC’s children with a parent, and other interested people of any age to join her. Come dig in dirt and garden in community! Add your name to Leslie’s email list:
In 2016, Leslie moved to Columbus from Atlanta, Georgia for her husband’s job with White Castle. While she worked as a pediatrician, Leslie had an interest in prevention and nutrition. In retirement, organic gardening has become a passion, as her picture with her hibiscus reveals! Since moving to Columbus, she’s earned an associate’s degree in landscape design and management and has worked for The Formal Garden. She also is a Master Rain Gardener, which enables gardeners to improve their own yards while becoming stormwater ambassadors in their neighborhoods. She calls her focus on gardening Leslie 2.0!
Additionally, Leslie will partner with Jada Williams, who is cultivating land north of the BSPC parking lot as part of the Growing & Growth Collective, Near East Side (NES).
Welcome to the Broad Street community, Leslie!