One more bonus sacrament Amy and Ann forgot, Halloween!
I love Halloween, and so do many Americans… where aren’t there decorations these days?! But when you boil it down it fits our everyday sacrament series that ended a couple of weeks ago. It’s filled with ordinary things like neighbors, decorations, treats, children playing in costumes, imagination, and community. And when you mix it all together, Halloween in my neighborhood is sacramental. It is a glimpse of the kingdom of God, the way the world should be. Neighbors talking and sharing, doors open to strangers, magic and play are everywhere, and oh there is chocolate.
Here in Ohio, it’s also saying good bye to neighbors for a season. I find for many of my neighbors, it’s the last time we bump into each other until the first sunny warm day in March. I’ve just spent months seeing kids grow, petting my favorite dogs, hearing about my neighbor’s joys and losses of life, and Halloween marks the changing of weather and then it’s see you in spring. It’s holy.
And of course, on Halloween, All Hallows’ Eve and All Saints Day, you can’t leave out the conversations about our fears, both silly and real. It’s a chance to talk about life and the life to come, and who we miss (and spiders and ghosts).
While some hate Halloween, some have early childhood trauma from seeing a terrifying movie too young or you are annoyed that a teenager showed up without a costume, or too much candy makes your house crazy… I hear you.
But look for the sacramental this year, these ordinary elements that together may offer something holy, neighbor loving neighbor.
-Written by Brittany Porch
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Praise God
Halloween ends a special time of year and begins another special time. While we’ll miss the things Brittany mentioned we look forward to the holiday season that brings new joys.
I love the community and neighborly aspect of Halloween and I agree, the chocolate doesn’t hurt either.