I have always wondered about people who have the name “Joy.”
Is it a burden to carry around a name that is so… well… joyous? Do they feel pressured to walk through life with a certain level of happiness and buoyancy? As someone with the last name of Miracle, I know a thing or two about names that can raise expectations!
The truth is that joy is not something that we manufacture.
We can’t choose joy. Joy, in my opinion, is a gift from God. One of God’s best gifts. What we can do is look for joy and when we see it, we can grab it with everything we’ve got.
Our annual campaign this year is centered around the theme Together for Joy. In our next two blogs, in this Sunday’s sermon, and in a great line-up of online and in-person speakers, you will hear more about the gift of joy and how it connects with the ways in which we share our gifts of time and money with the world.
Stay tuned!
There is so much pain and suffering in the world right now. Where are you finding joy these days?
-Written by Rev. Amy Miracle
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How does one access the “great line-up of online and in-person speakers”?
Check out online or in person worship for the next three Sundays. Jane Mykrantz is speaking this Sunday!