Today is Valentine’s Day and today is Ash Wednesday.
Which means the clergy Facebook groups have been going a little crazy.
One person posted:
Roses are red,
Ashes are grey.
We’re all going to die.
Happy Valentine’s Day!
Another replied:
Roses are red,
Violets are blue
I’m going to die
And so are you.
And then there was the person who just wanted us to see the Lent in VaLENTines Day.
No matter what your life circumstances are, I encourage you to come to the service tonight. It’s too late to get a dinner reservation anyway. And whose relationship isn’t improved by an hour spent contemplating our mortality?
Seriously, though… I always leave the Ash Wednesday service with a renewed appreciation of the fragility of life AND the primacy of love: God’s love for us, our call to give, receive, and love.
I hope to see you tonight!
-Written by Rev. Amy Miracle
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First laugh out loud blog. Thanks to all for starting our day with happiness.