Disbelief. Helplessness. Guilt. Sadness. Anger. These are some of the emotions that I have experienced as I take in events in Ukraine. What is happening is horrible and heartbreaking and what can any of us do about it? My mother has taken to wearing light blue and yellow every time she goes out in the world. I am halfway through a 2015 documentary found on Netflix entitled Winter On Fire: Ukraine’s Fight. Some of us have added a Ukrainian flag to our Facebook page.
But I wonder how these small acts of solidarity actually help those men, women, and children in harm’s way?
Really, what can we do? Here are a few ideas. I’m not sure how good these ideas are.
- Pay more for gas and not complain about it.
- Keep praying.
- Give money to support the people of Ukraine. There are many worthy organizations that are good options for such gifts. CLICK HERE to learn more about what we as a Presbyterian Church (USA) denomination are doing to support those in need in Ukraine.
The truth is that there isn’t much that we can do as individuals. But when we join with others, that equation shifts a little bit.
Here is a blessing for Ukraine written by our Lenten guide Kate Bowler.
A Blessing for Ukraine
God, the unthinkable has happened.
Swiftly, relentlessly,
by stealth and through open destruction,
the peace and beauty of the ordinary,
has been shattered in a day.
O God of justice and might,
We call to you to come and bring this suffering to an end.
Comfort these trembling hearts.
Shield the vulnerable.
Strengthen those with the resources and the resolve
to protect what they love
in the face of such overwhelming force.
Grant wisdom to the nations of our world, to our leaders, and to us,
to grasp the unfathomable,
to see evil in its true light,
and come against it unflinchingly.
Dear Ukraine,
though we shudder to watch what is happening
We will not look away.
How do you feel about events in Ukraine? What are you doing to support those in harm’s way?
-Written by Rev. Amy Miracle
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Ukraine has brought up the helpless feeling for all the refugees around the world. I am touched and amazed at the solidarity of the European countries opening their homes and creating systems so quickly. However, my heart breaks for all the refugees around the world and how many have been in camps for years!!! I recently read a young adult graphic novel about refugees in Africa. The world seems to have forgotten about those displaced years ago. I struggle more with the forgotten than those in the news right now.
I have been using for my meditation one of the most beloved icons of the Eastern Orthodox – the Vladimir Mother of God. It was sent as a gift to Kiev by the Patriarch of Constantinople in 1131, and later was moved to Vladimir and then to Moscow. In this icon, Mary cradles the Christ Child, pressing her cheek to his. Her power is her love that is visible in the intimacy of her protective embrace. Her gaze invites me to turn inward where I hold the women of Ukraine close to my heart, and pray they will be empowered to face the violent conflict in Ukraine, with a courageous and tender spirit. Mary, Mother of God, pray for all of us…. Christ, Prince of Peace, pray for all of us….
Debbie, this is beautiful. Thank you for sharing this!
I am reminded of the playground bully as I watch Putin. Power being seized for the bully’s own grandiose sense of power combined in this case with disdain for loss of life either of his own country’s people or those he attacks. It has happened over and over again in history. In recent days in our country we have descended into defining the people we should hate—gay and lesbian people especially those who are young, and women of all ages and color who desire an abortion.
Defining who one hates simplifies life, but destroys the life God would have for us.
So many heart wrenching stories, especially in BBC news. My response has always been to donate through PDA- Presbyterian Disaster Assistance. It may not be much in the grand scheme of the disaster, but I resonate with the idea of joining others who are equally concerned. I think it’s important to keep this on the front burner for the long haul.
I am glad to see that PDA is a good option for supporting disaster assistance. I’ve found several through Charity Navigator.
Borrowing from others (Ann Weems & Kate Bowler) I am breathing this prayer…
Inhale: I not only pray for peace
Exhale: I pray for miracles
If I keep at it — and don’t watch/listen to tooo many repetitive, horrible reports — it brings some calm.
Rosie, I love this suggestion!
Rosie, I plan to use the Ann Weems peace prayer in next Sunday’s Prayer Ministry Reflection. I can’t imagine anything better coming along for the third Sunday of Lent.